Journal papers
[1] Marciniak, A., Kowalczyk, S., Oryński, S., Cader, J., Chambers, J., Stan-Kłeczek, I. and Majdański, M., (2024). Four years of landslide observation with anthropogenic loading as an additional trigger-analysis of seasonal and annual variability of physical parameters. Engineering Geology, 342.
[2] Polychronopoulou, K., Malinowski, M., Cyz, M., Martakis, N., Apostolopoulos, G. and Draganov, D., (2024). Integrating earthquake-based passive seismic methods in mineral exploration: Case study from the Gerolekas bauxite mining area, Greece. Geophysics, 89(1), pp.WB35-WB56.
[3] Ponikowska, M., Stovba, S.M., Mazur, S., Malinowski, M., Krzywiec, P., Nguyen, Q. and Hübscher, C., (2024). Crustal‐scale pop‐up structure at the junction of two continental‐scale deformation zones in the southern Baltic Sea. Tectonics, 43(4), p.e2023TC008066.
[4] Nguyen, Q., Malinowski, M., Mazur, S., Stovba, S., Ponikowska, M. and Hübscher, C., 2024. Post-Caledonian tectonic evolution of the Precambrian and Paleozoic platform boundary zone offshore Poland based on the new and vintage multi-channel reflection seismic data. Solid Earth, 15(8), pp.1029-1046.
[5] Yasin, Q., Liu, B., Sun, M., Sohail, G.M., Ismail, A., Majdanski, M., Golsanami, N., Ma, Y. and Fu, X., 2024. Automatic pore structure analysis in organic-rich shale using FIB-SEM and attention U-Net. Fuel, 358, p.130161.
[6] Gholami, A. and Gazzola, S., 2024. Robust estimation of structural orientation parameters and 2D/3D local anisotropic Tikhonov regularization. Geophysics, 89(6), pp.V521-V536.
[7] Ranjbaran, S.M., Aghamiry, H.S., Gholami, A., Operto, S. and Avanaki, K., 2023. Quantitative photoacoustic tomography using iteratively refined wavefield reconstruction inversion: a simulation study. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
[8] Górszczyk, A., Brossier, R., & Métivier, L. (2024). On the effect of 3D wave propagation on 2D regional‐scale velocity model building.Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129(3), e2023JB028172.
[9] Zand, T., & Górszczyk, A. (2024). Integrated algorithm for high‐resolution crustal‐scale imaging using complementary OBS and streamer data. Earth and Space Science, 11(2), e2023EA003264.
[10] Gholami, A., & Gazzola, S. (2024). Robust Estimation of Structural Orientation Parameters and 2D/3D Local Anisotropic Tikhonov Regularization. Geophysics, 89(6), 1-81.
[11] Gholami, A., & Aghazade, K. (2024). Full waveform inversion and Lagrange multipliers. Geophysical Journal International, 238(1), 109-131.
[12] Gholami, A. (2024). An extended Gauss-Newton method for full-waveform inversion. Geophysics, 89(3), R261-R274.
[13] Aghazade, K., Gholami, A., Aghamiry, H. S., & Siahkoohi, H. R. (2024). Robust elastic full-waveform inversion using an alternating direction method of multipliers with reconstructed wavefields. Geophysics, 89(3), R287-R302.
[14] Guo, G., Operto, S., Gholami, A., & Aghamiry, H. S. (2024). Time-domain extended-source full-waveform inversion: Algorithm and practical workflow. Geophysics, 89(2), R73-R94.
[15] Marciniak A., Majdański M., Dobiński W., Owoc B., Cader J., 2024, The hypothesis of the shape of the permafrost in Hornsund, Spitsbergen and the potential impact of its degradation on the Arctic, Catena, 235, 107689, 10.1016/j.catena.2023.107689
Journal papers
Wróbel, M., Stan-Kłeczek, I., Marciniak, A., Majdański, M., Kowalczyk, S., Nawrot, A., & Cader, J., 2023.
Integrated Geophysical Imaging and Remote Sensing for Enhancing Geological Interpretation of Landslides with Uncertainty Estimation—A Case Study from Cisiec, Poland
Remote Sens. 2023, 15(1), 238.
Zand, T., Ghasemzadeh, H., Gholami, A., & Malcolm, A., 2023.
Least-squares reverse time migration with shifted total variation regularization.
Geophysics, 88(2), S59-S69.
Sharma, R. P., Białecki, M., Cooper, M. P., Radliński, A. P., & Szymczak, P., 2023.
Pore merging and flow focusing: Comparative study of undissolved and karstified limestone based on microtomography.
Chemical Geology, 627, 121397.
Białecki, M., Gałka, M., Bagchi, A., & Gulgowski, J., 2023.
Modeling Exact Frequency-Energy Distribution for Quakes by a Probabilistic Cellular Automaton.
Entropy, 25(5), 819.
Białecki, M., 2023.
Catalan Numbers Recurrence as a Stationary State Equation of the Probabilistic Cellular Automaton.
In: Elaydi, S., Kulenović, M.R.S., Kalabušić, S. (eds) Advances in Discrete Dynamical Systems, Difference Equations and Applications. ICDEA 2021. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 416. Springer, Cham.
Singh, B., & Malinowski, M., 2023.
Seismic Imaging of Mineral Exploration Targets: Evaluation of Ray-vs. Wave-Equation-Based Pre-Stack Depth Migrations for Crooked 2D Profiles.
Minerals, 13(2), 264.
Gholami, A., Aghamiry, H. S., & Operto, S., 2023.
Multiplier waveform inversion: A reduced-space full-waveform inversion by the method of multipliers.
Geophysics, 88(3), R339-R354.
Yasin, Q., Gholami, A., Majdański, M., Liu, B., & Golsanami, N., 2023.
Seismic characterization of geologically complex geothermal reservoirs by combining structure-oriented filtering and attributes analysis.
Geothermics, 112, 102749.
Stan-Kłeczek, I., & Marciniak, A., 2023.
Recognition of rock anisotropy using integrated seismic approach–A case in Strzegom and Podleśna, Poland.
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 15(7), p1759-1767.
Conference papers
Gajek, W., 2023.
Rayleigh wave is the coolest – resolving microseismicity of a tidewater glacier in Svalbard.
EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16346.
Marciniak, A., Majdański, M., Kowalczyk, S., Cader, J., Nawrot, A., Owoc, B., Stan-Kłeczek, I., Górszczyk, A., Gajek, W., Oryński, S., and Czarny, R., 2023.
Integrated imaging of a landslide as a result of 4 years of observations – A case study from Outhern Carpathians.
EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2585.
Journal papers
Gholami, A., & Gazzola, S. (2022). Automatic balancing parameter selection for Tikhonov-TV regularization. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 62(4), 1873–1898.
Hloušek, F., Malinowski, M., Bräunig, L., Buske, S., Malehmir, A., Markovic, M., Sito, L., Marsden, P., & Bäckström, E. (2022). Three-dimensional reflection seismic imaging of the iron oxide deposits in the Ludvika mining area, Sweden, using Fresnel volume migration. Solid Earth, 13(5), 917–934.
Majdański, M., Dobiński, W., Marciniak, A., Owoc, B., Glazer, M., Osuch, M., & Wawrzyniak, T. (2022). Variations of permafrost under freezing and thawing conditions in the coastal catchment Fuglebekken (Hornsund, Spitsbergen, Svalbard). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 33(3), 264–276.
Marciniak, A., Osuch, M., Wawrzyniak, T., Owoc, B., Dobiński, W., Glazer, M., & Majdański, M. (2022). Multi-method geophysical mapping of ground properties and periglacial geomorphology in Hans Glacier forefield, SW Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research, 43(2), 101–123.
Qian, J., Wang, K., Zhang, H., Tan, Y., Xu, C., Wang, Q., Xiong, Q., & Malinowski, M. (2022). First observation of paired microseismic signals during solution salt mining. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10.
Singh, B., Malinowski, M., Górszczyk, A., Malehmir, A., Buske, S., Sito, L., & Marsden, P. (2022). 3D high-resolution seismic imaging of the iron oxide deposits in Ludvika (Sweden) using full-waveform inversion and reverse time migration. Solid Earth, 13(6), 1065–1085.
Stan-Kłeczek, I., Pierwoła, J., Marciniak, A., Sutkowska, K., & Tomaszewska, R. (2022). Multimethod geophysical investigation in karst areas: case studies from Silesia, Poland. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 81(6).
Yasin, Q., Majdański, M., Awan, R. S., & Golsanami, N. (2022). An Analytical Hierarchy-Based Method for Quantifying Hydraulic Fracturing Stimulation to Improve Geothermal Well Productivity. Energies, 15(19).
Yasin, Q., Majdański, M., Sohail, G. M., & Vo Thanh, H. (2022). Fault and fracture network characterization using seismic data: a study based on neural network models assessment. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 8(2).
Conference papers
coming soon
Journal papers
Mężyk, M., Chamarczuk, M., Malinowski, M., 2021.
Automatic Image-Based Event Detection for Large-N Seismic Arrays Using a Convolutional Neural Network.
Remote Sensing, 13(3):389.
Chamarczuk, M., Malinowski, M., Draganov, D., 2021.
2D body-wave seismic interferometry as a tool for reconnaissance studies and optimization of passive reflection seismic surveys in hardrock environments.
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 187, 104288.
Chamarczuk, M., Malinowski, M., Draganov, D., Grant, A., Asgharzadeh, M., Urosevic, M., 2021.
Characterization of drilling-related noise and curvelet-based evaluation of seismic-interferometric reflections for imaging of iron-bearing formations in Pilbara, Western Australia.
Geophysical Journal International, ggab059.
Mężyk, M., Malinowski, M., Mazur, S., 2021.
Structure of a diffuse suture between Fennoscandia and Sarmatia in SE Poland based on interpretation of regional reflection seismic profiles supported by unsupervised clustering.
Precambrian Research, 358, 106176.
Górszczyk, A., Operto, S., 2021.
GO_3D_OBS: the multi-parameter benchmark geomodel for seismic imaging method assessment and next-generation 3D survey design (version 1.0).
Geoscientific Model Development, 14(3):1773-1799.
Gajek, W., Malinowski, M, 2021.
Errors in microseismic events locations introduced by neglecting anisotropy during velocity model calibration in downhole monitoring.
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 184.
Conference papers
Journal papers
Hermana, M., Lubisa, L.A., Moussavi Alashloo, S. Y., Julikah, 2020.
A Novel Method in Hydrocarbon and Reservoir Properties Prediction Based on Elastic Properties.
Journal of Earth Sciences and Technology, 1(1), pp. 38-43.
Bashir, Y., Mohd Muztaza, N., Moussavi Alashloo, S.Y., Ali, S.H, Prasad Ghosh, D., 2020.
Inspiration for Seismic Diffraction Modelling, Separation, and Velocity in Depth Imaging.
Applied Sciences, 10(12), 4391.
Glazer, M., Dobiński, W., Marciniak, A., Majdański, M., Błaszczyk, M., 2020.
Spatial distribution and controls of permafrost development in non-glacial Arctic catchment over the Holocene, Fuglebekken, SW Spitsbergen.
Geomorphology, 358, 107128.
Chamarczuk, M., Nishitsuji, Y., Malinowski, M., Draganov, D., 2020.
Unsupervised Learning Used in Automatic Detection and Classification of Ambient‐Noise Recordings from a Large‐N Array.
Seismological Research Letters, 91(1), pp. 370-389.
Cyz, M., Azevedo, L., 2020.
Direct Geostatistical Seismic Amplitude Versus Angle Inversion for Shale Rock Properties.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp. 1-10.
Konon, A., Wyglądał, M., Haluch, A., Rybak-Ostrowska, B., Cyz, M., Malinowski, M., 2020.
Using seismic and well data to determine processes of folding in the Pomeranian segment of the Caledonian Foredeep Basin, Poland.
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 124, 104804.
Conference papers
Hlousek, F., Malinowski, M. et al, 2020.
A tailored workflow for advanced high-resolution seismic imaging of mineral exploration targets.
Mineral Exploration Symposium 2020.
Hlousek, F., Malinowski, M. et al, 2020.
Extension of seismic monitoring network in Hornsund.
Near Surface Geoscience 2020.
Gajek, W., 2020.
Extension of seismic monitoring network in Hornsund.
Polar Night Week, Longyearbyen, Norway.
Malinowski, M., et al., 2020.
High-resolution geophysical imaging of the permafrost – the result of two high arctic expeditions to Spitsbergen.
Seismix 2020, Perth, Australia.
Malinowski, M., et al., 2020.
Crustal structure along the fossil margin of Baltica: what we learned from the PolandSPAN project?
Seismix 2020, Perth, Australia.
Malinowski, M., et al., 2020.
Can we use sparse 3D seismics in mineral exploration? Takeaways from COGITO-MIN project.
Seismix 2020, Perth, Australia.
Majdański, M., et al., 2020.
Geophysical imaging of permafrost in the SW Sbalbard – the result of two high arctic expeditions to Spitsbergen.
EGU 2020, online.
Moussavi Alashloo, S.Y., et al., 2020.
Enhanced crustal-scale depth imaging using least-squares RTM of short-streamer seismic data.
SEG 2020, online.
Singh, B., et al., 2020.
3D Velocity Model Building in Hardrock Environment Using FWI: A Case Study from Blötberget Mine, Sweden.
EAGE NSG 2020, online.
Czarny, R., et al., 2020.
Modeling of seismic wave propagation around coal mine roadway with presence of excavation-damaged zone.
EGU 2020, online.
Czarny, R., et al., 2020.
Characterisation of the Tunnel-Channel Wave around a Coal Mine Roadway Based on Synthetic and Real Data.
EAGE NSG 2020, online.
Chamarczuk, M., et al., 2020.
Impact of drilling-related operations on imaging iron-bearing formations in Pilbara, Western Australia using seismic interferometry.
SEG 2020, online.
Chamarczuk, M., et al., 2020.
Towards retrieval of reflections using ambient-noise recorded during drilling operations: iron ore formation imaging in Pilbara, Western Australia.
Seismix 2020, Perth, Australia.
Chamarczuk, M., et al., 2020.
Unsupervised learning used in automatic detection and classification of ambient-noise recordings from a large-N array.
Seismix 2020, Perth, Australia.
Górszczyk, A., et al., 2020.
Multitechnique regional seismic imaging – a case study from the Tokai area, Japan.
Seismix 2020, Perth, Australia.
Górszczyk, A., et al., 2020.
GO_3D_OBServer – Offshore Benchmark of Subduction Environment in Realistic Visco-Elastic Representation.
Seismix 2020, Perth, Australia.
Górszczyk, A., et al., 2020.
Mitigating the nonlinearity of crustal-scale full waveform inversion through the graph space optimal transport misfit function.
Seismix 2020, Perth, Australia.
Górszczyk, A., et al., 2020.
Relaxing the initial model constraint for crustal-scale full-waveform inversion with graph-space optimal transport misfit function.
EAGE 2020, online.
Górszczyk, A., et al., 2020.
Relaxing the initial model constraint for crustal-scale full-waveform inversion with graph-space optimal transport misfit function.
EGU 2020, online.
Górszczyk, A., et al., 2020.
The influence of subducting seamounts: variations in accretionary prism deformation style along the nankai trough from combined ocean-bottom seismometer and multichannel seismic data.
GSA, online.
Górszczyk, A., et al., 2020.
Velocity model building from sparse long-oset node data by slope tomography and extended waveform inversion.
SEG 2020, online.
Nguyen, Q., et al., 2020.
Seismic processing and imaging of the new 2D marine reflection seismic data in the Polish sector of the Baltic Sea.
EGU 2020, online.
Köhler, A., Gajek, W., Malinowski, M., Schweitzer, J., Majdański, M., Geissler, W.H., Chamarczuk, M., Wuestefeld, A., 2020.
Seismological monitoring of Svalbard’s cryosphere: current status and knowledge gaps (CRYOSEIS).
In: Van den Heuvel et al. (eds): SESS report 2019, Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System, Longyearbyen, pp. 136 – 159.
Journal papers
Marciniak, A., Stan-Kłeczek, I., Idziak, A., Majdański, M., 2019.
Uncertainty based multi-step seismic analysis for near-surface imaging.
Open Geosciences, 11(1)
Chamarczuk, M., Nishitsuji, Y., Malinowski, M., Draganov, D., 2019.
Unsupervised Learning Used in Automatic Detection and Classification of Ambient‐Noise Recordings from a Large‐ Array
Seismological Research Letters
Owoc, B., Marciniak, A., Dzierżek, J., Kowalczyk, S., Majdański, M., 2019.
Seismic Imaging of the Mesozoic Bedrock Relief and Geological Structure under Quaternary Sediment Cover: The Bolmin Syncline (SW Holy Cross Mountains, Poland).
Geosciences, 9(10), 447
Mężyk, M., Malinowski, M., 2019.
Multi-pattern algorithm for first-break picking employing open-source machine learning libraries
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 170
Górszczyk, A., Operto, S., Schenini, L., Yamada, Y., 2019.
Crustal-scale depth imaging via joint full-waveform inversion of ocean-bottom seismometer data and pre-stack depth migration of multichannel seismic data: a case study from the eastern Nankai Trough
Solid Earth, 10, 765–784
Buntin, S., Malehmir, A., Koyi, H., Högdahl, K., Malinowski, M., Larsson, S.Å., Thybo, H., Juhlin, C., Korja, A. and Górszczyk, A., 2019.
Emplacement and 3D geometry of crustal-scale saucer-shaped intrusions in the Fennoscandian Shield.
Scientific Reports, 9, 1-11.
Mężyk, M., Malinowski, M., Mazur, S., 2019.
Imaging the East European Craton margin in northern Poland using extended correlation processing of regional seismic reflection profiles.
Solid Earth, 10, 683–696
Singh, B., Malinowski, M., Hloušek, F., Koivisto, E., Heinonen, S., Hellwig, O., Buske, S., Chamarczuk, M. and Juurela, S., 2019.
Sparse 3D Seismic Imaging in the Kylylahti Mine Area, Eastern Finland: Comparison of Time Versus Depth Approach.
Minerals, 9, 305.
Heinonen, S., Malinowski, M., Hloušek, F., Gislason, G., Buske, S., Koivisto, E. and Wojdyla, M., 2019.
Cost-effective seismic exploration: 2D reflection imaging at the Kylylahti massive sulfide deposit, Finland.
Minerals, 9, 263.
Chamarczuk, M., Nishitsuji, Y., Malinowski, M., Thorbecke, J., Koivisto, E., Heinonen, S., Juurela, S., Mężyk, M., Draganov, D., 2019.
Automatic 3D illumination-diagnosis method for large-N arrays: Robust data scanner and machine-learning feature provider.
Geophysics, 84(3), ix-Z16
Białecki, M., 2019.
Catalan numbers out of a stochastic cellular automaton.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 60(1), 012701.
Bellefleur, G., Malinowski, M., Urosevic, M., 2019.
Editorial for Special Issue “Seismic Methods in Mineral Exploration”.
Minerals, 9(10), 610.
Conference papers
Cyz, M., Azevedo, L. and Malinowski, M., 2019.
Geostatistical Seismic Shale Rock Physics AVA Inversion.
Petroleum Geostatistics 2019
Owoc, B., Marciniak, A., Kowalczyk, S., Dzierzek, J. and Majdanski, M., 2019
An Optimal Combination of Geophysical Methods to Image Geological Structures.
25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
Marciniak, A., Owoc, B., Wawrzyniak, T., Nawrot, A., Glazer, M., Osuch, M., Dobiński, W. and Majdański, M., 2019
Near-Surface Geophysical Imaging of the Permafrost – Initial Result of Two High Arctic Expeditions to Spitsbergen.
25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
Marciniak, A., Kowalczyk, S., Gontar, T., Owoc, B. and Majdański, M., 2019
Multimethod High-Resolution Geophysical Imaging of Landslides in Mountain Area – A Case Study from Cisiec, Poland.
25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
Cyz, M., Azevedo, L. and Malinowski, M., 2019.
Application of Geostatistical Seismic AVA Inversion for Shale Reservoir Characterization and Brittleness Prediction with Machine Learning.
In 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 5pp.
Singh, B., Malinowski, M., Hloušek, F., Hellwig, O., Buske, S., Koivisto. E., Heinonen. S., COGITO-MIN Working Group. 2019.
Benefits of Depth Imaging in 3D Seismic Mineral Exploration: Case Study from the Kylylahti Mine, Finland.
81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 5pp.
Marciniak, A., Osuch, M., Owoc, B., Wawrzyniak, T., Nawrot, A., Dobiński, W. and Majdański, M., 2019
Multi-method Geophysical Characteristics and the Extent of Permafrost in the High Arctic Site (Hornsund, Spitsbergen).
27th IUGG General Assembly
Owoc, B., Marciniak, A., Majdański, M., 2019
Modelling of the deep structures of the upper mantle in Poland.
Marciniak, A., Owoc, B., Wawrzyniak, T., Nawrot, A., Glazer, M., Osuch, M., Dobiński, W. and Majdański, M., 2019
Recognition of the varying permafrost conditions in the SW Svalbard by multiple geophysical methods.
Sambolian, S., Gorszczyk, A., Operto, S., Ribodetti, A., Virieux, J., 2019
Building initial model for FWI from ultra long-offset OBN data by first-arrival traveltime+ slope tomography.
In 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition.
Alexandrov, D., Eisner, L., Trojanowski, J., Waheed, U. B., Kaka, S., Greenhalgh, S., 2019
Optimizing detection of microseismic events by receiver selection on surface monitoring.
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019.
Journal papers
Cyz, M., Mulinska, M., Pachytel, R., & Malinowski, M., 2018.
Brittleness prediction for the Lower Paleozoic shales in northern Poland.
Interpretation, 6(3), SH13-SH23
Marta Cyz and Michal Malinowski, 2018.
Seismic azimuthal anisotropy study of the Lower Paleozoic shale play in northern Poland.
Interpretation, 6(3), SH1-SH12
Gajek, W., Malinowski, M., & Verdon, J. P., 2018.
Results of downhole microseismic monitoring at a pilot hydraulic fracturing site in Poland—Part 2: S-wave splitting analysis.
Interpretation, 6(3), SH49-SH58
Gajek, W., Trojanowski, J., Malinowski, M., Jarosinski, M., Riedel, M., 2018.
Results of the downhole microseismic monitoring at a pilot hydraulic fracturing site in Poland — Part 1: Event location and stimulation performance.
Interpretation, 6(3), SH39-SH48
Trojanowski, J., 2018.
Theory of the detection function for migration-based methods for the detection of microseismic events.
Geophysics, 83(6), A87-A91
Krzywiec, P., Poprawa, P., Mikolajczak, M., Mazur, S., & Malinowski, M., 2018.
Deeply concealed half-graben at the SW margin of the East European Craton (SE Poland)—Evidence for Neoproterozoic rifting prior to the break-up of Rodinia.
Journal of Palaeogeography, 7(1), 88-97
Mazur, S., Krzywiec, P., Malinowski, M., Lewandowski, M., Aleksandrowski, P., & Mikolajczak, M, 2018.
On the nature of the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment, 44(1)
Riedel, M., Cosma, C., Enescu, N., Koivisto, E., Komminaho, K., Vaittinen, K., & Malinowski, M., 2018.
Underground Vertical Seismic Profiling with Conventional and Fiber-Optic Systems for Exploration in the Kylylahti Polymetallic Mine, Eastern Finland.
Minerals, 8(11), 538
Majdanski, M., Grzyb, J., Owoc, B., Krogulec, T., & Wysocka, A., 2018.
Near-surface structure of the Carpathian Foredeep marginal zone in the Roztocze Hills area.
Acta Geophysica, 1-11
Bagchi, A., 2018.
Notion of Random Domino Automaton revisited.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 965, No. 1, p. 012007
Conference papers
Vakeva, S., E. Koivisto, M. Chamarczuk, M. Malinowski and the COGITO-MIN Working Group, 2018.
Passive Seismic Three-Component Interferometry Experiment at the Kylylahti Mine Site, Eastern Finland.
EAGE 2nd Conference on Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining, Porto
Koivisto, E., Malinowski, M., Heinonen, S., Cosma, C., Vaittinen, K, Wojdyla, M., Chamarczuk, M., Riedel, M., Kukkonen, I. and the COGITO-MIN Working Group, 2018.
From regional seismics to high-resolution resource delineation: Example from the Outokumpu ore district, Eastern Finland.
EAGE 2nd Conference on Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining, Porto
Riedel, M., Cosma, C., Enescu, N., Koivisto, E., Komminaho, K., Vaittinen, K., Malinowski, M., 2018.
From regional seismics to high-resolution resource delineation: Example from the Outokumpu ore district, Eastern Finland.
EAGE 2nd Conference on Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining, Porto
M. Chamarczuk, M. Malinowski, D. Draganov, E. Koivisto, S. Heinonen, S. Juurela and the COGITO-MIN Working Group, 2018.
Seismic interferometry for mineral exploration: passive seismic experiment over Kylylahti mine area, Finland.
EAGE 2nd Conference on Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining, Porto
Heinonen S, Malinowski M, Hlousek F, Gislason G, Koivisto E, Buske S, The COGITO-MIN Working Group, 2018.
Seismic interferometry for mineral exploration: passive seismic experiment over Kylylahti mine area, Finland.
EAGE 2nd Conference on Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining, Porto
Mezyk, M. & M. Malinowski, 2018.
Deep Neural Network and Multi-pattern Based Algorithm for Picking First-arrival Traveltimes.
80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen
Gajek, W., Trojanowski, J., & Malinowski, M., 2018.
Downhole Microseismic Monitoring At A Pilot Hydraulic Fracturing Site In Poland.
7th EAGE Workshop on Passive Seismic, Krakow
S. Vakeva, E. Koivisto, G. Hillers, M. Chamarczuk and M. Malinowski, 2018.
3C Seismic Interferometry at the Polymetallic Kylylahti Deposit, Outokumpu District, Finland.
LITHOSPHERE 2018 Symposium
S.Heinonen, M. Malinowski, G. Gislason, F. Hlousek, S. Buske and E. Koivisto, 2018.
COGITO-MIN seismic reflection profiling for mineral exploration in Polvijärvi, Finland.
LITHOSPHERE 2018 Symposium
E. Koivisto, M. Malinowski, S. Heinonen, M. Riedel, M. Chamarczuk, C. Cosma, K. Vaittinen, M. Wojdyla and the COGITO-MIN Working Group, 2018.
Testing of seismic mineral exploration methods at different scales at the Kylylahti polymetallic mine site, Eastern Finland.
LITHOSPHERE 2018 Symposium
A. Gorszczyk, S. Operto, L. Schenini, 2018.
Crustal-scale depth imaging via FWI of the OBS data and PSDM of the MCS data – a tour over the eastern Nankai Trough seen in high resolution.
Proceedings of the 13th SEGJ International Symposium
Marciniak, A., Stan-Kleczek, I., Idziak, A., & Majdanski, M. 2018.
Uncertainty Based Multi-Step Seismic Analysis for the Near Surface Imaging.
24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
Owoc, B., Gorszczyk, A., & Majdanski, M. 2018.
The Discussion of the Uncertainty in the Traveltime Seismic Tomography.
24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
Journal papers
Gajek, W., Trojanowski, J., Malinowski, M., 2017.
Automating long-term glacier dynamics monitoring using single-station seismological observations and fuzzy logic classification: a case study from Spitsbergen.
Journal of Glaciology, 63, 581-592
Górszczyk, A., Operto, S., Malinowski, M., 2017.
Toward a robust workflow for deep crustal imaging by FWI of OBS data: The eastern Nankai Trough revisited
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, 4601–4630
Krzywiec, P., Mazur, S., Kufrasa, M., Malinowski, M., Pietsch, K., & Golonka, J. 2017.
Variscan deformation along the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone in SE Poland: Thick-skinned structural inheritance or thin-skinned thrusting?
Tectonophysics (online early), doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.06.008
Trojanowski, J., Eisner, L., 2017.
Comparison of migration‐based location and detection methods for microseismic events.
Geophysical Prospecting,65, 47–63
Conference papers
Goncharov, A., Malinowski, M., Sekulic, D., Cooper, A., Chia, P., Gavrilov, A., & Paskos, G., 2017.
Australian national ocean bottom seismograph fleet advances conventional exploration.
The APPEA Journal, 57(2), 738-743
Mulinska, M., Malinowski, M., Cyz, M., 2017.
Can we reliably estimate brittleness for thin shale reservoirs? A case study from the lower Paleozoic shales in northern Poland.
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, pp. 758–762
Cyz, M., Malinowski, M., Mulinska, M., 2017.
Impact of processing on AVAz analysis: a case study from the Lower Paleozoic shale play in Northern Poland.
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, pp. 692–696
Cyz, M., & Malinowski, M., 2017.
Avaz Analysis for Weak Azimuthal Anisotropy and Thin Layers-Case Study From the Lower Paleozoic Shale Play in Northern Poland.
79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Paris.
Gajek, W., Verdon, J., Malinowski, M., & Trojanowski, J., 2017,
Imaging seismic anisotropy in a shale gas reservoir by combining microseismic and 3D surface reflection seismic data
In 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition – Workshops, Paris.
Chamarczuk, M., Malinowski, M., Koivisto, E., Heinonen, S., Juurela, S. and the COGITO-MIN Working Group, 2017,
Passive seismic interferometry for subsurface imaging in an active mine environment: case study from the Kylylahti Cu-Au-Zn mine, Finland.
Exploration’17 – 6th Decennial Mining Exploration Conference, Seismic Workshop.,Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Malinowski, M., Chamarczuk, M., 2017,
Seismic interferometry: cost-effective solution for mineral exploration?
Exploration’17 – 6th Decennial Mining Exploration Conference, Seismic Workshop.,Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Heinonen, S., Malinowski, M., Gislason, G., Danaei, S., Koivisto, E., Juurela, S. and the COGITO-MIN Working Group, 2017,
Active source seismic imaging in the Kylylahti Cu-Au-Zn mine area, Finland.
Exploration’17 – 6th Decennial Mining Exploration Conference, Seismic Workshop.,Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Riedel, M., Cosma, C., Komminaho, K., Enescu, N., Koivisto, E., Malinowski, M., Luhta, T., Juurela, S. and the COGITO-MIN Working Group, 2017,
Seismic imaging of the Kylylahti Cu-Au-Zn ore deposit using conventional and DAS VSP measurements supported by 3D full-waveform seismic modeling.
Exploration’17 – 6th Decennial Mining Exploration Conference, Seismic Workshop.,Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Book chapters
Krzywiec, P., Mazur, S., Gągała, Ł., Kufrasa, M., Lewandowski, M., Malinowski, M., Buffenmyer, V., 2016.
Late Carboniferous thin-skinned compressional deformation above the SW Edge of the East European Craton as revealed by reflection seismic and potential fields data – correlations with the Variscides and the Appalachians. in: Law, R., Thigpen, R., Stowell, H., Merschat A., (Eds.), Linkages and Feedbacks in Orogenic Processes
Geological Society of America Special Publication , (in press)
Journal papers
Malinowski, M., 2016.
Deep reflection seismic imaging in SE Poland using extended correlation method applied to PolandSPAN™ data
Tectonophysics (online early), doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.01.007
Malinowski, M., R.-E. Plessix, A. Ratcliffe, D. Vigh, 2016.
Introduction to special section: Applications of full-waveform inversion
Interpretation, Vol. 4(4)
Mazur, S., Mikolajczak, M., Krzywiec, P., Malinowski, M., Lewandowski, M., & Buffenmyer, V., 2016.
Pomeranian Caledonides, NW Poland–A collisional suture or thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt?
Tectonophysics, (online early), DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.06.017
Mazur, S., Mikolajczak, M., Krzywiec, P., Malinowski, M., Buffenmyer, V., Lewandowski, M., 2016.
Reply to “Comments on ‘Is the Teisseyre‐Tornquist Zone an ancient plate boundary of Baltica?’”
Tectonics (online early), DOI: 10.1002/2016TC004162
Schetselaar, E., Pehrsson, S., Devine, C., Lafrance, B., White, D., Malinowski, M., 2016.
3-D geologic modeling in the Flin Flon mining district, Trans-Hudson orogen, Canada: Evidence for polyphase imbrication of the Flin Flon-777-Callinan volcanogenic massive sulfide ore system.
Economic Geology,111, 877-901
White, DJ., Malinowski, M., Devine, C., Gilmore, K., Schetselaar, E., Pehrsson, S., 2016.
Drill targeting with 3-D seismics for volcanogenic massive sulfide exploration in the Flin Flon mining camp.
Economic Geology,111, 903-912
Conference papers
Trojanowski, J., Górszczyk, A., Eisner, L., 2016.
A multichannel convolution filter for correlated noise: Microseismic data application.
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016, pp. 2637-2641. doi: 10.1190/segam2016-13453668.1
Gajek, W., Trojanowski, J., 2016.
Advantages of Probabilistic Approach to Microseismic Events Location – A Case Study from Northern Poland.
78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Vienna.
Górszczyk, A., Malinowski, M., Bellefleur, G., 2016.
Applications of Curvelet Transform in Hardrock Seismic Exploration.
EAGE/DGG Workshop on Deep Mineral Exploration , Münster.
Górszczyk, A., Malinowski, M., Operto, S., 2016.
Crustal-scale Imaging from Ultra-long Offset Node Data by Full Waveform Inversion – How to Do It Right?
78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Vienna.
Trojanowski, J., Eisner, L., 2016.
Can Stacking Absolute Values Give Better Signal-to-noise Ratio than Raw Signal Stacking?
78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Vienna.
Journal papers
Janutyte, I., Majdanski, M., Voss, P.H., Kozlovskaya, E., and PASSEQ Working Group, 2015.
Upper mantle structure around the Trans-European Suture Zone obtained by teleseismic tomography.
Solid Earth, 6, 73-91
Mazur, S., Mikolajczak, M., Krzywiec, P., Malinowski, M., Buffenmyer, V., Lewandowski, M., 2015.
Is the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone an ancient plate boundary of Baltica?
Tectonics, 34(12), 2465–2477
Narkiewicz, M., Maksym, A., Malinowski, M. et al., 2015.
Transcurrent nature of the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone in Central Europe – results of the POLCRUST-01 deep reflection seismic profile.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 104, 775-796
Cyz, M., Malinowski, M., Krzywiec, P., Mulińska, M., Słonka, Ł., 2015.
Application of high-resolution 2D-3C seismic for characterization of the perspective Jurassic shale play in Central Poland.
Tectonophysics, online early 09.12.2015 doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2015.11.018
Adamczyk, A., Malinowski, M., Górszczyk, A., 2015.
Full-waveform inversion of conventional Vibroseis data recorded along a regional profile from SE Poland.
Geophysical Journal International, 2015 203 (1): 351-365 doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv305
Górszczyk, A., Cyz, M., Malinowski, M., 2015.
Improving depth imaging of legacy seismic data using curvelet-based gather conditioning: a case study from Central Poland.
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 117, 73-80, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.03.026
Górszczyk, A., Malinowski, M., Bellefleur, G., 2015.
Enhancing 3D post-stack seismic data acquired in hardrock environment using 2D curvelet transform.
Geophysical Prospecting, 63 (4), 903-918, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12234
Malinowski, M., et al., 2015.
Geophysical constraints on the crustal structure of the East European Platform margin and its foreland based on the POLCRUST-01 deep reflection seismic profile.
Tectonophysics, 653, 109-126
Trojanowski, J., Plesiewicz, B., Wiszniowski, J., 2015.
Seismic Monitoring of Poland – Description and Results of Temporary Seismic Project with Mobile Seismic Network.
Acta Geophysica,63(1), 17-44, doi: 10.2478/s11600-014-0255-0
Conference papers
Adamczyk, A., Górszczyk, A., Malinowski, M., 2015.
Full-waveform inversion applied to regional Vibroseis profile from SE Poland.
77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Madrid.
Trojanowski, J., Eisner, L., 2015.
Comparison of Migration-based Detection and Location Methods for Microseismic Events.
77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Madrid.
Journal papers
Adamczyk, A., Malinowski, M., Malehmir, A., 2014.
High-resolution near-surface velocity model building using full-waveform inversion – a case study from southwest Sweden.
Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu070
Dec, M., Malinowski, M., Perchuć, E., 2014.
A new model of the upper mantle structure beneath the western rim of the East European Craton.
Solid Earth, 5, 1–13.
Górszczyk, A., Adamczyk, A., Malinowski, M., 2014.
Application of curvelet denoising to 2D and 3D seismic data – practical considerations.
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 105, 78-94, doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2014.03.009
Janutyte I., Kozlovskaya E., Majdanski M., Voss P.H., Budraitis M., and PASSEQ Working Group, 2014.
Traces of the crustal units and the upper-mantle structure in the southwestern part of the East European Craton.
Solid Earth, 5, 821-836
Majdanski, M., Polkowski, M., 2014.
The Uncertainty of 2D models along wide angle seismic profiles.
Pure and Applied Geophysics, doi: 10.1007/s00024-014-0840-9
Narkiewicz, M., Maksym, A., Malinowski, M. et al., 2014.
Transcurrent nature of the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone in Central Europe – results of the POLCRUST-01 deep reflection seismic profile.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00531-014-1116-4
Wiszniowski, J., Plesiewicz, B.M., Trojanowski, J., 2014.
Application of Real Time Recurrent Neural Network for Detection of Small Natural Earthquakes in Poland.
Acta Geophysica, vol. 62, 469 – 485
Conference papers
Adamczyk, A., Malinowski, M., Górszczyk, A., 2014.
Full-waveform inversion of conventional Vibroseis data using preconditioning focused on low frequency enhancement.
76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam.
Cyz, M., Górszczyk, A., Malinowski, M., Krzywiec, P., Rosowski, T., Mulińska, M., 2014.
Curvelet-based gather conditioning for effective depth imaging of legacy seismic data: case study from Central Poland.
76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam.
Górszczyk, A., Malinowski, M., 2014.
Application of curvelet denoising to 3D post-stack data acquired in hard rock environment.
76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam. Hard Rock Seismic Imaging Workshop.
Górszczyk, A., Malinowski, M., Adamczyk, A., 2014.
Strategies for Complex Thresholding in Curvelet-based Data Denoising.
76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam.
Krzywiec, P., Malinowski, M., Lis, P., Buffenmyer, Lewandowski, M., 2014.
Lower Paleozoic Basins Developed Above the East European Craton in Poland: New Insight from Regional High-Effort Seismic Reflection Data.
SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, doi: 10.2118/170760-MS.
Krzywiec, P., Volterrani, S., Slonka, L., Lis, P., Buffenmyer, V., Malinowski, M., Lewandowski, M., 2014.
From Regional Depositional Architecture to Reservoir-Scale Considerations, Lower Paleozoic Baltic Basin, N Poland.
In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers, Amsterdam.
Other publications
Malehmir, A., Bastani, M., Krawczyk, Polom, U., Malinowski, M., Persson, L., Gurk, M., Snowball, I., Juhlin, Ismail N., Lecomte, I., 2014.
Integration of geophysical, hydrogeological and geotechnical methods to aid monitoring landslides in Nordic countries: A 4D approach for landslide risk assessment.
Project Report, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Journal papers
Malinowski, M., Guterch, A., Narkiewicz, M., Probulski, J., Maksym, A., Majdański, M., Środa, P., Czuba, W., Gaczyński, E., Grad, M., Janik, T., Jankowski, L., Adamczyk, A., 2013.
Deep seismic reflection profile in Central Europe reveals complex pattern of Paleozoic and Alpine accretion at the East European Craton margin.
Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 1–6, doi:10.1002/grl.50746.
Malinowski, M., 2013.
Models of the Earth’s Crust from Controlled-Source Seismology – Where We Stand and Where We Go?
Acta Geophysica, 61,1437-1456.
Adamczyk, A., M. Malinowski, A. Malehmir, 2013.
Application of first-arrival tomography to characterize a quick-clay landslide site in southwest Sweden.
Acta Geophysica, 61, 1057–1073.
Młynarczuk, M., Górszczyk, A., Ślipek, B., 2013.
The application of pattern recognition in the automatic classification of microscopic rock images.
Computers & Geosciences, 60, 126–133.
Majdański, M., 2013.
The uncertainty in layered models from wide-angle seismic data.
Geophysics, 78, 3, WB31-WB36.
Lizurek, G., Plesiewicz, B., Wiejacz, B., Wiszniowski, J., Trojanowski, J., 2013.
Seismic Event near Jarocin (Poland).
Acta Geophysica, 61, 22-36.
Wiszniowski J., Plesiewicz, B., Trojanowski, J., 2013.
Application of Real Time Recurrent Neural Network for Detection of Small Natural Earthquakes in Poland.
Acta Geophysica, DOI: 10.2478/s11600-013-0140-2
Conference papers
Malehmir, A., Salas Romero, S., Shan, C., Lundberg, E., and Juhlin, C., Bastani, M., Persson, L., Krawczyk, C., Polom, U., Adamczyk, A., Malinowski, M., Gurk, M., and Ismail, N., 2013.
A multidisciplinary geophysical and geotechnical investigation of quick clay landslides in Sweden.
SEG 2013, Houston, USA. (awarded as one of the 30 best presentations)
Adamczyk, A., Malinowski, M., and Malehmir, A., 2013.
Delineating shallow quick-clay structures using acoustic full-waveform inversion – case study from southwest Sweden.
SEG 2013, Houston, USA.
Krzywiec, P., Lis, P., Buffenmyer, V., Malinowski, M., and Lewandowski, M., 2013.
Regional Geologic Characterization of the Polish Lower Paleozoic Unconventional Play Using an Integrated Seismic and Well Data Approach.
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Cyz, M., Malinowski, M., 2013.
Comparison of Refraction and Diving Wave Tomography Statics Solution along a Regional Seismic Profile in SE Poland.
75th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, London.
Malinowski, M., Brettwood, P., 2013.
Using Extended Correlation Method in Regional Reflection Surveys – A Case Study from Poland.
75th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, London.
Other publications
Cyz, M., 2013.
Refraction statics and tomostatics solution in case of complicated geology
Master thesis