Formerly: Postdoctoral researcher – ETH Zurich – Switzerland
Research interests:
Microseismicity, Seismic anisotropy and S-wave splitting, Cryoseismology
Peer-reviewed scientific papers:
- Gajek W., Gräff D., Hellmann S., Rampel A., Walter F., 2021. Diurnal expansion and contraction of englacial fracture networks revealed by seismic shear wave splitting, Commun Earth Environ 2, 209.
- Gajek, W. & Malinowski, M., 2021. Errors in microseismic events locations introduced by neglecting anisotropy during velocity model calibration in downhole monitoring, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 184.
- Gajek, W., Trojanowski, J., Malinowski, M., Jarosiński, M., Riedel, M., 2018. Results of the downhole microseismic monitoring at a pilot hydraulic fracturing site in Poland, part I: events location and stimulation performance, Interpretation, 6(3), SH39-SH48.
- Gajek, W., Malinowski, M., Verdon, J., 2018. Results of the downhole microseismic monitoring at a pilot hydraulic fracturing site in Poland, part II: shear wave splitting analysis, Interpretation, 6(3), SH49-SH58.
- Gajek, W., Trojanowski, J., Malinowski, M., 2017. Automating long-term glacier dynamics monitoring using single-station seismological observations and fuzzy logic classification: a case study from Spitsbergen, Journal of Glaciology, 63, 581-592
Extended abstracts:
- Gajek, W., Trojanowski, J., Malinowski, M., 2018, Downhole microseismic monitoring at a pilot hydraulic fracturing site in Poland, 7th EAGE Workshop on Passive Seismic
- Gajek, W., Verdon, J., Malinowski, M., & Trojanowski, J., 2017, Imaging seismic anisotropy in a shale gas reservoir by combining microseismic and 3D surface reflection seismic data. 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition – Workshops, Paris
- Gajek, W., Trojanowski, J., Malinowski, M., 2016, Advantages of Probabilistic Approach to Microseismic Events Location - A Case Study from Northern Poland. 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2016, Extended Abstracts, Student Programme
Peer-reviewed book chapters:
- Köhler A., Gajek W., Malinowski M., Schweitzer J., Majdanski M., Geissler W. H., Chamarczuk M., Wuestefeld A., 2020. Seismological monitoring of Svalbard's cryosphere: current status and knowledge gaps (CRYOSEIS), SESS report 2019, Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System, Longyearbyen, pp. 137 – 159