Research interests:
Full waveform inversion, Reverse time migration, Seismic data processing, Statistical signal processing, Inverse problems, Regularization methods, and application of these methods for seismic exploration.
Selected publications:
Gholami, A., Aghamiry, H. S., and S. Operto, 2022. Extended-space full-waveform inversion in the time domain with the augmented Lagrangian method. Geophysics, 87(1), R63-R77.
Aghazade, K., Aghamiry, H. S., Gholami, A., and S. Operto, 2022. Randomized source sketching for full waveform inversion. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-12.
Aghazade, K., Gholami, A., Aghamiry, H. S., and S. Operto, 2022. Anderson accelerated augmented Lagrangian for extended waveform inversion. Geophysics, 87(1), R79-R91.
Aghamiry, H. S., A. Gholami, and S. Operto, 2021. Efficient extended-search space full-waveform inversion with unknown source signatures. Geophysical Journal International, 227, 257-274.
Haghshenas Lari, H., A. Gholami, 2021. Nonstationary deconvolutive Radon transform. Geophysics, 86(4), V329-V337.
Aghamiry, H. S., A. Gholami, and S. Operto, 2020. Complex-valued imaging with total variation regularization: an application to full-waveform inversion in visco-acoustic media. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 14(1), 58-91.
Aghamiry, H. S., A. Gholami, and S. Operto, 2020. Compound regularization of full-waveform inversion for imaging piecewise media. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(2), 1192-1204.
Zand, T., H. R. Siahkoohi, A. Malcolm, A. Gholami, and A. Richardson, 2020. Consensus optimization of total variationbased reverse time migration. Computational Geosciences, 24, 1393-1407.
Aghamiry, H. S., A. Gholami, and S. Operto, 2020. Multiparameter wavefield reconstruction inversion for wavespeed and attenuation with bound constraints and total variation regularization. Geophysics, 85(4), R381-R396.
Dokht Dolatabadi Esfahani, R., A. Gholami, and M. Ohrnberger, 2020. An inexact augmented Lagrangian method for nonlinear dispersion curve inversion using Dix-type global linear approximation, Geophysics, 85(5), EN77-EN85.
Zand, T., H. R. Siahkoohi, A. Malcolm, A. Gholami, and A. Richardson, 2020. Consensus optimization of total variationbased reverse time migration. Computational Geosciences, 24, 1393-1407.
Zand, T., A. E. Malcolm, A. Gholami, and A. Richardson, 2019. Compressed imaging to reduce storage in adjoint-state calculations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(11), 9236-9241.
Gholami, A., A. Richardson, T. Zand, and A. E. Malcolm, 2019. Efficient wavefield reconstruction at half the Nyquist rate, Geophysics, 84(5), A43-A46.
Gholami, A., and M. Farshad, 2019. The Shuey-Radon transform, Geophysics, 84(3), V197-V206.
Aghamiry, H. S., A. Gholami, and S. Operto, 2019. Implementing bound constraints and total-variation regularization in extended full-waveform inversion with the alternating direction method of multiplier: application to large contrast media. Geophysical Journal International, 218, 855-872.
Aghamiry, H. S., A. Gholami, and S. Operto, 2019, Improving full-waveform inversion by wavefield reconstruction with the alternating direction method of multipliers, Geophysics, 84(1), 1-24.
Gholami, A., M. Farshad, 2019, Fast hyperbolic Radon transform using chirp-z transform. Digital Signal Processing, 87, 34-42.
Gholami, A., and E. Zabihi Naeini, 2019, 3D Dix inversion using bound-constrained total variation regularization. Geophysics, 84(3), R311-R320.
Abbasi, M., and A. Gholami, 2018, Automatic nonhyperbolic velocity analysis by polynomial chaos expansion. Geophysics, 83(6), U79-U88.
Gholami, A., H. S. Aghamiry, and M. Abbasi, 2018, Constrained nonlinear AVO inversion using Zoeppritz equations. Geophysics, 83(3), R245-R255.
Gholami, A., and H. S. Aghamiry, 2017, Iteratively re-weighted and refined least squares algorithm for robust inversion of geophysical data. Geophysical Prospecting, 65, 201-215.
Gholami, A., and T. Zand, 2017, Three-parameter Radon transform based on shifted hyperbolas. Geophysics, 83(1), 1-37.
Gholami, A., 2017, Morphological deconvolution, Geophysics, 82(5), 1-36.
Abbasi, M., and A. Gholami, 2017, Polynomial chaos expansion for nonlinear geophysical inverse problems. Geophysics, 82(4), R259-R268.
Gholami, A., and M. D. Sacchi, 2017, Time-invariant Radon transform by generalized Fourier slice theorem. Inverse Problems and Imaging, 11(3), 501-519.
Gholami, A., 2017, Deconvolutive Radon transform. Geophysics, 82(2), V117-V125.
Gholami, A., 2016, A fast automatic multichannel blind seismic inversion for high-resolution impedance recovery. Geophysics, 81(5), V357-V364.
Gholami, A., 2015, Nonlinear multichannel impedance inversion by total-variation regularization, Geophysics, vol. 80(5), R217-R224.
Gholami, A., 2014, Nonconvex compressed sensing with frequency mask for seismic data reconstruction and denoising, Geophysical Prospecting, 62(6), 13891405.
Gholami, A., 2014, Phase retrieval through regularization for seismic problems, Geophysics, 79(5), V153-V164.
Gholami, A., and M. D. Sacchi, 2013, Fast 3D blind seismic deconvolution via constrained total variation and GCV, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 6(4), 2350-2369.
Gholami, A., and S. M. Hosseini, 2013, A balanced combination of Tikhonov and total variation regularizations for reconstruction of piecewise-smooth signals, Signal Processing, 93, 1945-1960.
Gholami, A., 2013, Sparse time-frequency decomposition and some applications, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 51(6), 3598-3604.
Gholami, A., 2013. Residual statics estimation by sparsity maximization, Geophysics, 78(1), V11-V19.
Gholami, A., and M. D. Sacchi, 2012. A fast and automatic sparse deconvolution in the presence of outliers, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50(10), 4105-4116.
Gholami, A., and S. M. Hosseini, 2011. A general framework for sparsity-based denoising and inversion, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59(11), 5202-5211,